
Fully Mobile Offer Listing Dashboard

Our easy to use Retailers Dashboard allows you to create, post, view, edit, delete and share your offers in real time. It’s just that simple.

Real Time Offer Analytics

Monitor your offer listing performance. See how your deal is performing anytime. Bringing you out the dark into the light.

In- App QR Code Scanner

Our retailers have the ability to scan QR codes directly from the shopper’s mobile device. Retailer can also upload their own coupon or barcode.

Deal Tracker Alerts

Never miss a customer again. Customers receives your deals right to their phone, on the go while in the vicinity of your business.

Call to Action Buttons

The Shopper Circle users can get directions, business hours and visit your website right from your offer detail page.

Bonus Offer

Retailers can add an additional offer to your existing offer as an extra incentive.